Yesterday, the 8th, was Timmy Tigers 2nd Birthday! I found a question and answer for my kids I want to do on each of their birthdays, but Timmy is still too young to answer the questions. So I shortened the list and answered most of the ones I knew for him...
1. What is your favorite color? Blue
2. What is your favorite toy? His absolute favorite toy is his play power drill. He also loves to play with his Daddies tools and he love dump trucks and his big Buzz Light Year.
3. What is your favorite fruit? He loves grapes.
3. What is your favorite fruit? He loves grapes.
4. What is your favorite tv show? "Maget" - Inspector Gadget and Curious George
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Peanut Butter & Jelly and Mac & Cheese
6. What is your favorite outfit? a onesie, a hat and two different shoes. :)
7. What is your favorite game? Duck, Duck, Goose
8. What is your favorite snack? Dried Fruit and he loves Fruit by the Foot
9. What is your favorite song? Itsy Bitsy spider
10. What is your favorite book? He loves all books! No favorite yet. He really gets excited to read!
11. Who is your best friend? He gets excited to play with his cousins Shoren (Soren), & Ophie (Sophie) and his friends Ephan (Ethan) & Julia.
12. What is your favorite cereal? Fruity Pebbles at the moment. :)
13. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Jump on the Trampoline
14. What is your favorite drink? Milk
15. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? His blankie and he has to cuddle with mama to sleep.
16. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? He LOVES Pancakes!
I love our boy! He keeps me on my toes every single day. If there isn't a mess in the house, he is sure to make one quickly. He is a true boy. He is always pretending to fix things even if its not broken, like his sisters pink bike...
Now that the weather is nice, we decided to get the kids a trampoline. It was kinda their Christmas gift but we decided to wait to give it to them when they could use it. Timmy loves it! He especially loves to jump with his sissy...
Timmy has a shoe fetish. It doesn't even matter if they match or not. He just has to wear them. Usually the first ones he finds are his sisters and its one of her silver sparkly shoes and a pink one. But mostly he goes in his closet and just grabs two shoes (which never match). Sometimes its two lefties or two righties and he can't wait to get some clothes on in the morning just so he can wear them.
He still always has the most tender cry. If he gets his feelings hurt, he puts his hands to his face and cries like it would break your heart. I still love his expressive eyebrows. He's had them since he was a new born baby...

Tiger mostly prefers me and he'll cry until I hold him or love on him. The past week it has started to change a little. He's ok with attention from Dad, but I'm the one that has to hold him to sleep and comfort him when he gets hurt. I love it.

And the last little tid bit about our boy, he loves to give high fives and knucks (fist bumps)!

Last weekend we had a birthday party for Timmy with all our family and some friends who came. It was a lot of work but I think he had a lot of fun playing and getting lots of attention! I kinda went with a jungle theme. I made monkey cupcakes out of Vanilla Wafers and Nutter Butter cookies. I got the idea from Taste of Homes. I thought they turned out so cute!!! The cupcakes had to be chocolate cake with chocolate frosting... his favorite of course!
How To Make Monkey Cupcakes
You will need:
Nutter Butter cookies
Vanilla Wafers
Candy Eyes or M&M's with a dot of icing as the eyeballs.
( I found the candy eyes in the cake decorating section of Walmart )
red decorating gel for the mouth
Make your chocolate cupcakes and after they have cooled enough, frost them with chocolate frosting.
*While the cupcakes are baking, with a serrated knife cut off and discard 1/4 of the top of a vanilla wafer. Carefully take apart the Nutter Butter cookie and then with the same serrated knife, cut them in half for the ears of the monkey.
After you assemble the cupcake with the cookies, add the nose with a small #3 wilton tip and the hair I used a #16 star tip with left over chocolate frosting. Finish it off with drawing on the mouth with the red decorating gel and you've got yourself some silly monkeys!!
The kids will love them!

Thank you to Lurlyn for helping me put it all together. I couldn't have done it without you!

Timmy loved the cupcakes!

Tim and Lurlyn helped me put together this huge outdoor water bed. It was a big hit with the kids!

Some of our family that was there...

Timmy blowing out his candle while everyone was still singing to him and then proceeding to take a huge bite out of his cupcake. He waste no time!

He also had a pinata! Most of the 10 kids had a chance to swing at it a couple of different times. Timmy & Aubri did really good. I might need to put them in T-Ball or something. Some of the kids happy about the candy they collected...

Timmy waving good bye to everyone from the trampoline. It was a fun day!!