Friday, February 29, 2008

Just Hanging Out

A little update on us... Tim was layed off from Sturgeon on Monday. So, we are waiting for the apprenticeship to call him out with another company. This means we could be leaving Colorado. We won't know where he'll be going until they call him out, which could be a little while. He is behind a few other guys who have also been layed off and waiting to be called out. Right now, he is just hanging out at home with me and Aubriana. Kinda getting a feel for being an at home Dad. We are just getting things situated in case he was called to another state so we could be ready and just go.

I've enjoyed having Tim home. I've been able to almost finish Aubriana's birth announcements. They were very detailed and so difficult for me to get finished, but better late then never.

Aubriana's new thing lately is to blow a bunch of spit bubbles. She discovered how to do it a few weeks ago and thats about her favorite noise to make now. I can hardly get her to talk anymore, but she does imitate some of the noises that I make. It's so darn cute.

I put pictures of our walks we've had lately. The weather here has been in the 60's so we have been out enjoying it. Really excited for spring!


  1. Wow, I love it. I hope you guys are still there at the end of the month so I can see you!!! She is so cute!

  2. I'm so glad you guys have nice weather! I bet it's so nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine and be able to take your little one on walks!

  3. Maybe you'll get closer to Idaho if they move you again. That could be fun.


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