Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Dress

Today was Aubriana's first time at church. She did so good. We barely get inside the doors and the women come flocking to her. She was admired by many. They were all asking us how big she was when she was born and when I tell them 7lbs 2 oz, they couldn't believe it. They all thought she was so tiny. She is gaining weight normal and eating more and more.

Christmas Dress

Dad's Home!

Tim was able to come home Thursday from the storm job he's been working in Kansas for over a week. I, of course, was very excited. I couldn't wait to see him. It's so nice to be a family again. He said the conditions out there were incredible. Power lines were down every where and it was very very cold. I'm just glad he is home safe and sound a few days before Christmas. This is a picture of how much he missed Aubriana.

While he was gone, I was in Costco and found the cute outfit that Aubriana is wearing and thought it would be very appropriate to have her wear it when he got home. I also thought it was too cute not to pass up. I got Newborn size but it still drowns her. Oh well, she'll be able to wear it a little while longer. :)
Dad's Home!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Children's Hospital

Because Aubriana hasn't had a bowel movement on her own since she's been home from the Hospital... our Pediatrician ordered a barium enema for her at the Children's Hospital. He wanted to rule out that she didn't have a disease called Hirshsprungs where the colon narrows at the end and it makes it difficult to pass anything through. At first I wasn't comfortable taking her to Radiology for being 10 days old, so I got a second opinion. The second doctor agreed that she needed it done, so I called and reset the appointment.

Yesterday I took her to Children's and she was such a trooper! The only time she really cried hard was when the nurse held her legs down to take the x-rays. She was very very good. I was proud of her. The doctor called later and told me that everything looks great. She definitely doesn't have anything wrong. So, sounds like she just has a really tight bum. So, now I just wait until Wednesday to see if she has bowel movements on her own or if we need to see the gastroenterologist to see if we need to help her for a while. So far last night she had two messy diapers, however, I think it was because of all the stuff they put in her to see her bowels. So, I'm waiting it out today to see if she goes anymore.

Above is a picture Aunt Dana took of her when she was here. It's one of my many favorites! She looks like a berry.

Children's Hospital

Monday, December 17, 2007

Patty Cake!

Thanks to Lurlyn, I've been inspired to share a video. Tim is introducing Bumble Bee to her first patty cake, however, I had to sing the song cause Tim couldn't remember it all. Enjoy!

Patty Cake!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


It's been so fun to see how much personality our bumble bee already has. Everytime I take pictures of her, I find new expressions on her cute little face. I don't think I'll ever get enough of her. These faces make all those sleepless hours worth it! ;)



I'm sorry its been so long since I've posted anything on my blog. We've been busy enjoying family and new baby! Now that things are quieting down, we are loosing the man of the house for a while. Tim has been called out with his crew to Kansas to help all the people that are out of power there. He leaves at 5 am. We're not sure how long he will be out, probably until Christmas. :( I'm really bummed out about him going but try to remind myself of all those people in need of power. I can't imagine myself in that situation.

So... I thought I would post my favorite picture of my babe for now and promise to post more tomorrow. I think I've taken a million and one pictures of her so I shouldn't have any trouble getting them posted.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More Pics!

More Pics!

Aubriana Has Arrived!!!

She is finally here! Born November 27th at 4:46 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 3 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. I don't know how I got so lucky, but it all progressed very fast. I was induced at 5 am, they broke my water at 10 am and I was dilated to a 10 by 3 pm. The nurse came in and had me start pushing at about 4:05 pm. It happened very very fast! I of course was way overwhelmed with emotions. They put her up on my belly when she came out and I started bawling! :) She did have the cord wrapped around her neck once and I pushed her out with her hand coming out with her shoulder. She was very alert from the minute she came out. She was crying until she heard her dads voice and instantly looked over at him. She is so so so sweet. Very alert and already a good nurser. We are very lucky first time parents!

Little Leify will be here to meet his new cousin! She can't wait! :)

Hang in there, there are tons of pictures!

Her Daddy and Aunt Dana!!!


Aubriana Has Arrived!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Takes So Little To Please!

So! Long awaited washer and dryer is now located in our laundry closet! Yeah! No more carrying heavy baskets of dirty clothes to the laundry and paying $1.25 in quarters for one wash.

It was like Christmas yesterday putting these in there. It was also quite the ordeal. Tim had to drill a 4" hole through the back of the closet to the outside for the heater vent. It was a little nerve racking but a complete success. The hubby knows what he's doing. I also had to stick my pregnancy swollen arm through the side of the wall and the dryer to plug it in. I was not giving up and Tim couldn't stop laughing at the faces I was pulling. I had some laundry to do after all! When we were finally finished, Tim went to watch some TV and I sat and watched the washer do its first load. It was fantastic! These will be nice to have with a baby on the way!
Takes So Little To Please!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sleepy Minnie

While we were away this past weekend, we had to leave Minnie at a dog boarding place. Tim wouldn't even come with me to take her there cause he thought she would get more upset. Anyway, I took her and I almost starting crying when I had to turn around and leave her. She was so confused and all the dogs were barking at her!

When I went to pick her up on Monday morning, she was so upset. She was whimpering and barking at me. It was so sad. It stinks that we can't take her with us on the plane. Anyway, I got her home and she has been sleepy ever since. Today is no exception. She was a little cold too, so she had to have her sweater on. I really think with all this sleeping she is doing that she really had a good time playing with all the other dogs. Don't you think she has a hard life? haha!
Sleepy Minnie

Monday, November 5, 2007

Camera Happy

Can't resist sharing! He is too adorable!

Camera Happy

Reality Is Sinking In...

Uncle Tim and baby Leify!

We just got back from seeing the newest addition to the family! My sister-in-law Lurlyn and her husband had their baby boy blessed on Sunday. It was so fun to fly out there (even though I wasn't suppose to) to be apart of it. Tim could not get over how soon he is going to be a dad and be holding his own little baby in his arms. Its becoming a reality! He's been counting down the days since the month of November creeped up.

Little Leify is such a sweet baby and Lurlyn is a natural at being a mother! She makes it look easy and I know its not! :) I have the pre-baby jitters and million and one questions but I'm sure I'll figure it out. If not, I have Tim and all his crazy ideas! LOL!

Reality Is Sinking In...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Denver Aquarium

Tim and I took our really good friend Cindy, that came to visit us, to the Denver Aquarium. It was actually pretty cool, besides the fact that one of the tigers wanted to eat my hubby! Tim knelt down by the glass and the tiger immediately got down in pouncing position. Next thing I know, the tiger is jumping at the glass (nails and all). I thought I was pretty close to a heart attack! I didn't get that picture (would have been awesome) but the one above I thought was just as appropriate to show how much they liked him. LOL!
Me & Cindy!
Denver Aquarium

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Open House Invitation

This is a card front I made for inviting people to my New Catalog open house. It was the new catalog open house I had back in July right before I moved to Colorado. This set is really fun!

Everything you see here is Stampin' Up! products.
Pick a petal stamp set.
Paper: Mellow Moss, Groovy Guava, Soft Sky, Purely Pomegranate.
Ink: Purely Pomegranite, Mellow Moss, Groovy Guava, whisper white.
Open House Invitation

Friday, October 19, 2007

Baby Leif

Grandpa Jones and Baby Leif

My sister-in-law, Lurlyn, just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on October 17th! We are excited because he will be close in age to his soon to come cousin! Puts me into reality of how soon I will have my little one in my arms. I'm so excited.

Baby Leif

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