His stats:
He weighs 13.5 lbs, which puts him at 15% for weight. I honestly think the baby scale was way off. The Dr wasn't concerned at all by this. He says he looks very healthy and is very strong.
He is 25 inches long. Puts him at 42% for height. He is a long boy. He wears 6-9 month clothes right now... which are starting to get snug on his shoulders.
Timothy is very easy going. The only reason he ever fusses is to let me know he's hungry. Thats it. He loves it if you play with him. I touch his toes to his nose and he thinks its soooo funny! He's also very very ticklish... everywhere! I adore his laugh.
He's a roller now!

After he rolls he still needs to make sure we're in his sight.

After trying 5 different brands of pacifiers, he's decided to go with the free ones... his fingers. Go figure. He sure is cute while he sucks away on them. However, what am I going to do when he's too old to suck on them? I can't take them away!

Still full of smiles all the time!

Very expressive with his eyes. LOL!

He LOVES his sister! Sister loves him too (always wants to hold him). Aubri will tell you, if you ask what his name is, that its her baby brother Tiger. I try to tell her his name is Timothy but she tells me no, its Tiger. Oh well.

He is such a joy to our family. He adores being snuggled and played with and he has such a sweet disposition. I especially love that he's a mamas boy. I feel so blessed. :)
And we can't leave out Aubri. She loves when she sees her picture on my blog. When I was taking pictures of Timothy, she was begging me to take her picture with one of her dress up clip on earrings in. I thought it was so funny but such a pretty picture of her at the same time.