We were very excited to have Lurlyn, Leif and little Leify stay with us for a night this weekend. Sad it wasn't longer but we will visit them soon and it will be all good. It was cool to put both babies together that are only 6 weeks apart in age and see how they react with eachother. Leify is quite the roller. He tried many a times to roll on top of her head. It was quite funny. Aubriana can now roll from her tummy to her back but she didn't do it at all while they were here. She's shy. :)

An update on Tim's work situation. The apprenticeship in Kansas was desperate for some hot apprentices to finish some jobs and Tim is currently there working. Right now he is only 2-3 hours away but he is working 12 hour days, 4 days a week and 8 hours on Friday. I'm nervous to say the least to go to Kansas. I'm very afraid of tornado's. I don't want to be Dorthy. Anyway, for now I'm still in Colorado and we'll see what will happen this coming week. As for his current apprenticeship, they are still laying guys off. They say some big jobs will be opening up, so we are just waiting. I hope they call soon! I do not want to go to Kansas.