Monday, March 31, 2008


We were very excited to have Lurlyn, Leif and little Leify stay with us for a night this weekend. Sad it wasn't longer but we will visit them soon and it will be all good. It was cool to put both babies together that are only 6 weeks apart in age and see how they react with eachother. Leify is quite the roller. He tried many a times to roll on top of her head. It was quite funny. Aubriana can now roll from her tummy to her back but she didn't do it at all while they were here. She's shy. :)

An update on Tim's work situation. The apprenticeship in Kansas was desperate for some hot apprentices to finish some jobs and Tim is currently there working. Right now he is only 2-3 hours away but he is working 12 hour days, 4 days a week and 8 hours on Friday. I'm nervous to say the least to go to Kansas. I'm very afraid of tornado's. I don't want to be Dorthy. Anyway, for now I'm still in Colorado and we'll see what will happen this coming week. As for his current apprenticeship, they are still laying guys off. They say some big jobs will be opening up, so we are just waiting. I hope they call soon! I do not want to go to Kansas.


BIG PROBLEM! I have a thumb sucker on my hands! It's hillarious, but oh so bad. I tell her no no! (hence the nick name from her Grandpa Dave) and pull her thumb out of her mouth and stick her pacifier in. Well, she quickly yanks out the pacifer and there goes the thumb, right back in. I continue this cycle for quite a while. It's like she knows she is doing something naughty and gives me these looks of guilt. She's so my bundle of joy!


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Idaho for Easter

We went to Idaho this past weekend to hang out with my side of the family. It was really nice besides the fact that Tim had a bad cold and Aubriana and I were catching it. It was so awesome to see (almost) everyone. Below are pictures of Aubriana's Great Grandma's. The one is a four generation picture. Tim wasn't able to get that great of a picture cause Aubriana was more interested in sucking on Grandma Gloria's hand. :) The other is a picture of my dad's mom, Grandma Carmen. She is staying in a elderly home and she looked really good. She use to have red hair and now it is solid white. I think its so pretty. Unfortunately she didn't know who I was. She knew she had 6 son's and she listed them to us in order but when we talked to her about my dad, she didn't remember. I was kinda sad but she is happy and she was loving Aubriana. It was so good to see her.

Anyway, the trip went really well. My mom made me my favorite food of all time... fried scones. I love them smothered in syrup. YUM! It made my trip so worth it among other things ;)

It was also fun to see all the babies in the family. Samuel and Jaxon are so cute! Those are Emily and Melissa's boys... the ones that will be ganging up on Aubriana when they get older. But she'll be bossy and tough and they'll be afraid when she comes around. :)
Below are some more fun photo's we got.... :)

my mom & very tall little sister

me and desi smoochin on aubri

grandpa scott & aubri

Idaho for Easter

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Lately I've been fascinated with my Adobe Photoshop. I've come across websites with tutorials that show you how to do certain things and then I just go crazy with my pictures. Today, I learned how to make the photo black and white but paint in some of the original color. It was pretty cool and I'm happy with the out come...

I love learning new things. Since I'm no longer a Stampin' Up! demonstrator, I've been expanding my horizon on scrapbook/card making and I'm thinking I might want to explore digital scrapbooking. I found a website that lets you download some cute collections for free, Pretty cute stuff! I'll let you know if it works out ;)


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Favorite Pics

Tim is still home hanging out. The apprenticeship still hasn't been calling anyone out. We are just being patient. Aubriana has been keeping us company for sure. Her personality is coming out everyday. She's figured out how to grab at toys. It's like watching her in slow motion. She sees her hand reaching... reaching.. reach... and she grasps the toy finally! She isn't quite yet rolling over. I make her lay on her tummy a few times a day and she hates it. She gets this angry sound going until you roll her over on her back. It's pretty funny. Tim thinks she'll be crawling before she does anything else. Right now I'm liking that she doesn't move anywhere. So far, I'm the only one that gets her laughing but she does it more and more. Don't get me wrong though, she is a daddys girl. She smiles huge whenever Tim starts talking to her.

The following are some of my favorite pictures I've taken this past week:

She loves the duck puppet that makes quacking nursery rhymes. Thank you Grama Jones!

She fell asleep with her hand on her face. Her hand was slipping down the more she fell asleep and this was the end result. Thank goodness I had my camera right next to me. So funny.
Favorite Pics


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