Aubriana just turned 2 today! We started off the day singing the birthday song, and she was eating it up. All this attention is great!
I can't believe how much she is rapidly changing. She says very funny things all the time, and is genuinely sweet when she wants to be. Tim has called her "bumble bee" ever since she was in my belly, and now when he calls her bumble bee, she quickly corrects him and says, "I'm Aubriana." She has moved on from calling us mommy and daddy to mom and dad. I didn't think that happened until she became a teenager :(. One other thing she says that really makes me laugh is when she is being really silly she follows me around giggling and saying, "I'm funny mommy, Aubriana's funny!"
She really makes us happy and we are so blessed to have her sweet spirit in our home. We love you, Aubriana!
Mom & Dad :)
I'll post more pictures of her birthday tomorrow after she has her cute cake. I had to post a couple of pictures I took of her this morning. They were too cute!